Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thank goodness that groundsman was able to lend Obama some jeans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's kind of classist, don't you think? In fact, this whole blog is kind of classist. The implication is that the President of the United States is too important to wear jeans, the traditional all American blue collar garment. That, by extension, implies that blue collar workers are somehow inferior to workers in white collar professions, such as politics, which is both classist and elitist, and also negates the almost universal American cultural evolution of jeans from workwear to leisure wear, which is obviously the context in which Obama is sporting them here. Also, if you didn't notice, the groundsman you are so snarkily referring to in this post is actually rather well dressed.

I will give you this...Obama needs to stop wearing THOSE jeans. With white sneakers. Seriously? The 90s called. They want their game back.